Monday, January 11, 2010

Pros and Cons of Pebble stone flooring

One person asked why the toilet bowl was not lifted for the laying of the pebbles.  My answer is I have the option to dismantle the toilet bowl before the laying of the pebbles and reinstating it after the pebbles are laid.  However I chose not to do so as it will take more time to complete the work and to save costs.

After using it for more than a month, this is my take on the Pros and Cons of the Pebblewash floor:

Advantages of PebbleWash Floor
- Anti Slip
- No hacking.  Not dusty during renovation
- No dirty groove lines
- Natural coloured pebbles

- Dirt can be stuck in between the pebbles. As the dirt cannot be seen, it is also difficult to remove
- I use a vaccuum cleaner weekly to clean the floor from hair and solid particles

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